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Keeping Your Sanity

Writer's picture: Danielle CunninghamDanielle Cunningham
Woman writing in a journal

While some who know me might doubt just how sane I really am, I've been asked what advice I would give about staying sane in the midst of large family chaos. While, I'll be the first to admit this is an area I struggle with, I do have a few tips for making it easier to keep it together.

Me Time

My first piece of advice would be make time for yourself. Often I find there is no time to take, so I have to be conscience about making time. Ways I do this and how we have made it a priority could fill a blog post all their own. But, from experience I can tell you, if you neglect to fill your own cup from time to time, there comes a point when there is nothing left to pour out into your family. Not only does it leave you feeling crazy, but those people who are so important to us, aren't taken care of the way we want either. So, even if you don't do it for yourself, do it for them and consider it investing in being a better mom and wife.

Keeping Myself in Check

Secondly, I strongly advise not taking yourself to seriously. You might do this by developing a sense of humor, or by just recognizing your own limits. If you are anything like me, you spend way too much time thinkinh that you are screwing your kids up and counting the many ways you are failing as a mom. The truth is even the best of parents have kids that make their own decisions when they are grown, and go their own way to the sorrow of their parents. Then, there are those who are lousy parents whose children turn out to be amazing people. This isn't to say to not be concerned at all, but to realize that we do our best, and leave the rest to the Lord. I think it's important to recognize that I can only do so much, and that my children have to make their own decisions. When I keep this in mind, I do better about not letting the little things rattle me, it's agonizing to think that everything about the way they turn out is solely on me. Furthermore it's not true, so keep those thoughts in check.

Good People

Third, surround yourself with good people. I struggle with connecting with, and opening up to other women, but when I have , it's been a blessing. The Lord has given me some wonderful mom friends that I can relate too and commiserate with, when things get difficult. They have been humor when I couldn't find a way to laugh. They have been a sympathetic ear when I needed someone to listen. They have been trouble shooters when I run out of ideas. There isn't enough to say about how important having a strong community is for your piece of mind.

The Lord

Finally and chiefly, spend time with the Lord in prayer and do not neglect time in the Word. I cannot overstate this. I find when I feel most overwhelmed it's because I have neglected this first and most primary area. And when the trouble is in one of the other three areas, I find that He is faithful to answer my needs. It may be a friend at just the right moment with the right words, or a healthy dose of remembering my own limitations, but God is faithful.

So despite all the evidence to the contrary, I work at staying sane by prioritizing my time with God, making time for myself, keeping my own importance in check, and surrounding myself with good people. All of these really come down to one main point, having the right mindset. If I spend time with the Lord in His word then I keep my mind stayed on Him. If I make time for myself, I'm in a calm frame of mind to reason from. If I don't take myself too seriously, then I keep my own importance in check and remember that He is a better parent to my children than I will ever be. If I surround myself with good friends, then I have support to be a good mom and wife. One thing is for sure whether you have one or six kids, it's never easy, but these things will help you with keeping your sanity.


Kathy Brubaker
Kathy Brubaker
Jun 15, 2023

I love this! Such sound advice. I have only three children, but am so not good at MAKING time for my own health and revival. There is no such thing as "finding" time; time is always the same. But it is a choice to find SOME way, even if it's just short moments in the bathroom, to take some deep breaths or read just one page in a favorite book or listen to one song with a message that reminds me of Who is truly omnipotent no matter what. Thank you for the reminder! Love you even on your insane days! 😂

Replying to

Making time is hard, and sometimes it is just those couple of minutes here and there, but the more often I can string it together the better of a parent I am. Tonight, the husband is needing some me time, so he is locked in our room and I'm holding down the fort for him.

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