When Gary had his accident two of the kids were in Alabama visiting with my parents. We were suppose to get them back just a few days after the accident, but since things were so hectic and Gary was still in the hospital that weekend, they offered to keep the kids another week. So on Friday, April 12th I set out to meet Mother and Daddy half way between us, around Marianne, Florida. Approximately halfway between our home base in Brooksville, Florida, and theirs in Decatur, Alabama, it is the perfect stop with the kids, plus we always enjoy a meal when we meet up at Dairy Queen. After a good visit with them, we decided on the way back home to stop in Tallahassee to visit the Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park.

Way back in the fall when I was researching Florida State Parks and Forest, I looked for some around that half way point. I looked for things we could do to stretch our legs and break up the trip. Things we normally wouldn't see because we don't really make trips to the panhandle. This was one of the ones that made my list and I made a note that early April is when the gardens are at their best. So if you would like to see them in all their glory make plans for the end of March or the beginning of April next year. Unfortunately the week before we were there Tallahassee had severe thunderstorms blow through, so much of the blooms were beaten off the plants, but there was still a lot to see, and it was a beautiful site.
Each of us felt like a different area of the park was the prettiest. My favorite was the view of the reflecting pond and in the distance the lake. The kids sat down to feel the water, and I just had to snap a picture, it was such a perfect shot. Britt's favorite was the small round garden with the little fountain in the middle, there was ivy on all the walls, and various Greek style decorations. Ruth liked the azaleas along the initial path and the pond near the end. I bet the place was especially spectacular before the rain storm as they have something like 30 different kinds of azaleas along the azalea walk. Rebecca liked the secret garden area, of course with a sign that says this way to the secret garden, Ruth and I thought it was not so secret; however, you could be in it and have people walk right by you on the other side and never know you were there. Kate's favorite part was sitting in the chairs by the lake under the pavilion. She liked the views of the lake and the surprisingly comfortable old fashion chairs.
The evening we were there, they were having an event for the Friends of the Park to raise money. I believe they told us it was to go toward doing some work on the Maclay house. There were food trucks and live music, games on the lawn and dogs were allowed on the garden paths, unlike usual, when they are allowed anywhere on the property except for the gardens. We didn't really participate since we had just eaten and needed to get back on the road, but I hear it's also pretty when they light it up at night for the few times a year that they do fundraisers like this.
We would definitely recommend the area to anyone passing through and would even suggest planning a trip specifically to see the park during full bloom. There are also trails on the grounds which you can explore much of the rest of the Maclay family property that would be lovely in the spring. If you'd like to make a trip the address to the Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park is 3540 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL. The state park is open from 8 to sunset, everyday. For more information you can call 850-487-4556. Entrance to the Park is $6 for a car load of up to 8 people over the age of six. However from January to April that doesn't include entrance into the garden area. During the blooming months it is an additional $6 per adult and $3 per child. However, we only paid $10 for the five of us to enter for the Friends of the Park event.
